This article will cover the soft fixes you can take if smoke is appearing from your petrol lawnmower.


  • Other coloured smoke (ie. White/Grey/Blue Coloured smoke) can be caused by overfilled oil levels, spilt/leaked oil on the engine or a dirty oil filter.
  • Check and confirm the lawnmower has the correct amount of SAE30 oil by checking oil level is between the minimum and maximum marks on the dipstick.
  • Has the machine been tilted? This often causes oil to run onto the engine exhaust, in turn, causing smoke.

Resolution, procedure: 

  1. check your oil levels.
  2. start up the machine.
  3. let it run, until all the excess oil burns off.
  4. the smoke will die down, gradually.

Note: If the machine fails to run at all, then there could be another, more serious, fault causing the oil leak - for example a blown gasket. If so, please consider having the machine repaired.

Checking and Cleaning the Air Filter

Sponge Air Filter

  1. Please check the air filter is clear of any dirt or debris.
  2. A clean sponge air filter would be either grey or yellow.
  3. If you have a sponge air filter which is dirty, you may clean the air filter using warm soapy water.
  4. To remove the air filter, unclip the filter cover on the side of your engine.
  5. Some models may use a securing screw which can be removed by hand or using a screwdriver.
  6. Please ensure you leave the filter to fully air dry before reinstalling.

Cartridge Air Filter

  1. A clean cartridge air filter would be white in colour.
  2. If you have a paper air filter, it is not possible to clean the air filter.
  3. If the air filter is dirty or damaged then you will need to purchase another filter.